Damson Cheese Recipe: for savoury and sweet dishes. How to freeze damsons/plums.
Posted by Fiona Nevile in Jam Jelly and Preserves | 65 comments
A dish of ripe damsons
At this time of year, we are given a lot of fruit for preserves. Quite often we pop them in the freezer (how to freeze damsons? See tricks and tips below) until we have time to turn it into something delicious. This morning we decided to make damson cheese.
Damson cheese is not cheese as we know it, Jim. It’s sweet, full of flavour and so dense with fruit that it is sliced, just like cheese. It’s tasty and just that bit more unusual than jelly. I do regret the occasion when my mum gave me a jar ten years ago; I didn’t even taste it before it died a furry death in my fridge. Now I know better.
Traditionally, damson cheese is sliced and served with lamb or game. We eat it with cheese and quite often have it as a pud with a dollop of cream. A slice on an individual plate of hors d’oeuvres looks classy.
Damson cheese is well worth adding to your repertoire.
If you are going to make damson cheese, make sure that you have some straight sided glass jars, or earthenware pots to pour it into so that you can easily slide it out for slicing. (Why not plastic? See tips and tricks below).
Recipe for our excellent damson cheese:
- 2lbs/917gms of damsons
- 1/4pt/150ml of water
- White granulated sugar (1lb to each 1pint of damson puree)
- A squeeze of lemon juice( approximately 1/2 tsp)
- Wash, pick over and discard bad fruit.
- Put damsons and water in a large heavy bottomed saucepan. Bring gently to simmering point and simmer very gently until all fruit is soft and falling of the stones (this can take at least an hour or more). Keep an eye on it, stirring from time to time.
- When fruit is very soft, remove from the heat and cool before straining and pressing through a medium sieve. Discard the stones.
- Pour fruit into a measuring jug, note the quantity and return to the cleaned pan with the sugar and lemon juice.
- Stir over a gentle heat stir until sugar is dissolved.
- Bring to the boil and continue to boil briskly. Stir constantly, to stop the sugar burning on the base of the saucepan. Don’t skip this bit.
- The damson cheese it ready when the spoon makes a clear track mark on the bottom of the pan. Not a parting of the seas but but a glimpse of the bottom.
- Ladle into warmed, sterilised straight sided jars. (How do I sterilise jars and lids? See tricks and tips below).
- Allow to cool a little, whilst still warm, and cover with sterilised plastic lined screw topped lids or waxed disks and cellophane covers.
- Label when cold and store in a cool, dark, dry area. It should keep for a year.
- Once opened, keep in the fridge and eat within a month or so.
Tips and tricks:
How to freeze damsons (also how to freeze plums, blackberries, greengages, wild damsons and sloes):
- Pick over fruit and discard any bad fruit
- Wash fruit and dry in a large clean tea cloth
- Put fruit into labelled bags and freeze
Why can’t I use plastic (i.e. ice cream cartons, to store damson cheese in my fridge?
- A friend, who is a great chef, made a batch of damson cheese purely for personal consumption. The damson cheese was poured into a large clean, sterilised ice cream carton. Every now and then, a sizeable nugget of damson cheese was savoured. After a few months (once opened damson cheese keeps for ages in the fridge) the plastic tainted the damson cheese and the private cache had to be thrown out. Glass and earthenware are fine for damson cheese. After opening, store in the fridge.
How do I sterilise jars and lids?
- Sterilising the jars and lids:
We collect jars all year round for our jelly, chutney and jam making sessions. I try to soak off labels and store the clean jars and metal plastic coated screw-top lids in an accessible place. The sterilising method that we used is simple. Just before making the ‘cheese’, I quickly wash and rinse the jars and place them upside down in a cold oven. Set the temperature to 160c/140c for fan assisted. When the oven has reached the right temperature I turn off the heat. The jars will stay warm for quite a while. I only use plastic lined lids for preserves as the all-metal lids can go rusty. I boil these for five minutes in water to sterilise them. If I use Le Parfait jars, I do the same with the rubber rings.
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Hello Fn
Glad you like the damson cheese recipe idea. I hate wasting anything and thought this was a good way to use the fruit after making the liqure
Hello Duncan
Love the idea of alcholic fruit cheese, I must give that a go.
Hi Serpentina
Flat sided jars are best as this ‘cheese’ is cut. But you could use jam jars at a pinch. There is a picture of the jars on this post
In fact I use this recipe/method for all my fruit cheese these days.
Hi all,
What containers are you using to store the damson cheese? I only have a selection of ordinary jam jars – will they do? Can’t quite visualise the straight sided jars or earthenware containers – do you have a picture?
Hello fn
Glad you like the recipe ideas, i make a lot of different provenders from the hedgerows and fiels and of course from the veggie patch, and shareing those ideas is half the fun.
I did try the damson cheese last year using the damsons form damson gin and damson vodka, with a few sloes from the sloe gin. It was excellent and went down a treat at the end of season shoot dinner where it was served with a fine selection of english cheese – Perfect!
Hi Ian
I’ve found a tiny supply of wild damsons this year and they are already soaking in gin!
Hello Duncan
Thank you so much for contributing all these ideas. Great stuff 🙂
Hi Jane
We have a damson jam recipe here
Hi Belinda
We have a good fruity damson chutney here
https://www.cottagesmallholder.com/?p=70 and our next post features an all fruit damson/wild plum chutney with tamarind. Watch this space.
Hi Toni G
I’m going to try that recipe too.
Please ignore last question – found receipe on site
Belinda Bon Soir
I am very new to the idea of all this hedgerow bounty but would love to know how to make whiskey and ginger jam as we are huge cheese eaters (cheese not us :)) ) do you share?
Bon soir,Hi , I live in france and have a glut of damson, will try your recipes for ‘Dandy’ etc do you have a recipe for damson chutney as well, I have just made 6litres of courgette and lime relish which has a wow factor , also whiskey & ginger jam ( best eaten with cheese) happy cooking, Belinda
Hello have just discovered a damson tree bottom of our garden, thought the fruit were huge sloes at first!? So pleased to find your website and am just going to pick them now and try your cheese recipe. Do you have one for damson jam?
Dear All
For those of you who like making the various hedgerow liquers try the following:
Drum (Damson Rum)
1 lb Damsons
4oz Sugar
1 ltr Dark Rum
Damson Vodka – same as above but with Vodka
Dandy (Damson Brandy) again the same as the Drum but with Brandy
You can also make spiced versions by introducing cloves and cinimon and ginger to the bottle when making.
I have many more recipes but quite simply put you imagination is the only restraining factor. As we look set for a great picking this year, get out there, gather fruit and make exciting winter warmers!