The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Create drama in your gaden with fallen petals

ornamental cherry blossomAbout twelve years ago I visited Christopher Lloyds’ garden at Great Dixter. An amazing, inspirational place.

It was around this time of year when everything is buzzing in the garden. I turned a corner and saw that the ground was strewn with large cerise petals. The scene was stunning.

These had fallen from a large Camellia planted in a border set within York stone. The petals looked wonderful against the grey stone. Far better than the waxy flowers on the shrub.

I enjoyed these pink petals when I saw them on the road this week. I was rushing, parked Jalopy and dashed to work. A few frenetic days later, I looked up to find their source and saw that they had come from a row of ornamental cherry trees. Very pretty but the freedom of the blossom on the ground won.

I remembered the Camellia at Great Dixter and wondered why, having seen the Camellia petals, I have never looked beyond the size, leaf shape and colour of flowers when I buy a shrub.

Fallen petals can have dramatic effect.

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1 Comment

  1. How lovely. In the school grounds where I was Head teacher, there are flowering cherry trees and at this time of year when the blossom falls it is like pink snow drifting round the playground. The children love it and it is so beautiful. It is a shame the blossom lasts such a short time though. One puff of wind and it is gone. I suspect it is like that now, although I am not there to see it.

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