
The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Country Value seeds from Netto

Country Value seedsLast weekend I breezed into Netto, the budget supermarket, to stock up on tinned sardines. Danny and the Min Pins love these and at 25p a tin, they’re a bargain. Quite often Netto sells plants for the garden. Two years ago I bought a gooseberry bush from them for £1.99. I thought I was buying an ordinary green gooseberry bush, as the box was just marked ˜Gooseberry’. I was thrilled when I discovered that it was a rather special red dessert gooseberry bush. Dessert gooseberries make an excellent liqueur.

Since then I have kept my eyes peeled for other horticultural bargains on forays to Netto . On Sunday I spotted a stand of “Country Value” seeds for 19p a packet. I wondered if they’d be any good at this price and asked a man who was throwing some packs into his trolley if he’d tried them before. He assured me that they were fine. So I bought a few packs and will report back later in the season.

Country Value seeds are produced locally, in Newmarket. The range in Netto was small but I found most of the vegetable seed that we need for the kitchen garden and the flowers that I grow each year (cosmos, sunflowers and marigolds). nine packs for just £1.71. Unbeatable value.


Update: I might have saved a lot of money but was not impressed with these seeds. Producing poor harvests overall.

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  1. John Todd

    I put in a packet of Iceberg Lettuce seeds, but they came up and grew and were Cos Lettuce!

  2. Sheila Harrison

    I recently planted courgette seeds – the strangest that I had ever seen – tiny black things. Now I have many seedlings of plants that are so like lettuce!! They should have been planted by 2012 – but the packet had not been opened….so, even if planted by 2012 they would never have produced courgettes. I shall gladly send a photograph and the seed packet. Please comment.

  3. jolliffesguy

    Well, saw Country Value seeds in QD today in Peterborough. Was initially tempted but then thought no, can’t be much good at 25p a pack!
    By the way on a similar topic, i never buy seeds or plants from pound shops. Experience has taught me not to buy there if you want to actually see the plant grow. Has anyone else had similar experiences?

  4. Yvonne

    I have just bought a packet of sunflower seeds fron Netto and found only 2 seeds on the packet. Because the seeds are in a sealed packet inside the country value packet there was no way one could feel that there was almost nothing in the packet.

  5. I couldn’t fault the several packs of Netto Country Value veg seeds I bought last year. This year I’ve bought all the different varieties that I can get my hands on – about £6 worth, or 31 packets, and plan to fill my new allotment with them!

    • Fiona Nevile

      Hi Plotter

      I’d love to hear how you got on with them as I didn’t have very good results and wrote them off :0(

  6. Mike Yorkshire

    Thanks for your comments on Netto seeds. Mr Fothersgill has now received an order from me as they seemingly produce seeds for Johnsons and Country Value. I have read all the comments and it is true that occasionally you find a shortage. However none are greater than the remainder of suppliers, I just think they can’t count! It’s important when they only give you 20 or 30 seeds.
    In the end, Country Value are VALUE, they germinate and produce good results. I have proof and pics over the past 5 years. Try Zinnias as well as Cosmia! Blue Prince is absolutely fantastic, massive blooms and growth to well over 1m 20cm. Email me if you want to see photos mikehorsfall@aldocom.hu

  7. Mike Yorkshire

    Netto seeds are packaged by Johnsons and not Mr Fothergill. They have same telephone no. and postal code. I have used most of the Netto Country Value seeds for 5 years now and have a high yield rate and good crops. Often much better than F1 expensive hybrids of the likes of T & M from which I have often had absolutely no growth at all. Value for money and Country Value can’t be beaten. I have to hope they will be on sale this year soon as I must get crcking.

    • Fiona Nevile

      Hi Mike

      I’m really pleased to hear that you’ve had good results from Country Value seeds. When I tried them they were a bit of a disaster and I get a lot of emails complaining about them too (no seeds in packets etc.) So it’s good to hear that some people are getting good results from them!

      Mr Fothergill’s actually owns Johnsons seeds. I discovered this when I was researching where to direct Country Value seed complaints.

  8. Jack Flusk

    These seeds are owned by Johnsons, but don’t know if johnsons are owned by anyone else

  9. Fiona Nevile

    Hello Alan

    It’s good to know that the seeds worked well for you.

    I like Netto too. Great place for a bargain.

  10. alan randall

    1st time on this site searching for “country value seeds”. I have bought these in the past & never had a problem with growth. Last year I tried tomatoe seeds the packet listed contents of 50 seeds & yes I got 49 plants now I call that value.
    I shall be in NETTOS again this year. NETTO you’r doing GREAT keep it going.

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