The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Country Value seeds from Netto

Country Value seedsLast weekend I breezed into Netto, the budget supermarket, to stock up on tinned sardines. Danny and the Min Pins love these and at 25p a tin, they’re a bargain. Quite often Netto sells plants for the garden. Two years ago I bought a gooseberry bush from them for £1.99. I thought I was buying an ordinary green gooseberry bush, as the box was just marked ˜Gooseberry’. I was thrilled when I discovered that it was a rather special red dessert gooseberry bush. Dessert gooseberries make an excellent liqueur.

Since then I have kept my eyes peeled for other horticultural bargains on forays to Netto . On Sunday I spotted a stand of “Country Value” seeds for 19p a packet. I wondered if they’d be any good at this price and asked a man who was throwing some packs into his trolley if he’d tried them before. He assured me that they were fine. So I bought a few packs and will report back later in the season.

Country Value seeds are produced locally, in Newmarket. The range in Netto was small but I found most of the vegetable seed that we need for the kitchen garden and the flowers that I grow each year (cosmos, sunflowers and marigolds). nine packs for just £1.71. Unbeatable value.


Update: I might have saved a lot of money but was not impressed with these seeds. Producing poor harvests overall.

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  1. George Webb

    I have sown some of your Enorma runner beans in pots in the greenhouse.There was 27 seeds in the packet and only 4 have germinated. The rest have rotted. This seems unusual as runners will normally grow easy.

    • Fiona Nevile

      Hello George

      As yet we don’t supply seed. Two years ago I bought Country Value seeds hence this post. They are supplied by Mr Fothergill’s seeds in the UK. You need to take up your complaints with them.

      Since then I have bought much more expensive seed. The initial outgoing wedge of cash might be bigger but the harvest far outwieghs this. I’m sure that Country Value seeds have their place but I would rather pay more for far a more reliable harvest.

      Country Value seeds have nothing to do with us. I just reviewed them a couple of years ago, when I bought them. I’m overwhelmed by bad feedback (our contact us section is alive with comments on this company). These seeds are very cheap – 10% of the price of normal seeds. So I reckon that if you get 10% germination you have a good return.

      Country Value seeds supply a niche market. I tried them one year and did get veg and fowers. I don’t do bad reviews but would rather spend much more and have 90% germination and survival.

      You are buying cheap seeds – what do you expect?

  2. Fiona Nevile

    Hi Steph

    Once the seeds germinate. Remove the lid of the propagor and put the seed tray on a warm sunny windowsill or greenhouse. Follow the instructions on the seed packet for potting on etc.

  3. Hi
    It is the first time i have grown pentunia seeds. I have put them in a propogater and they have grown but what do i do now?


  4. Netto Rocks – we love Netto

  5. Fiona Nevile

    Hi Kayleigh

    Thanks for that!

  6. kayleigh

    This seed brand owned by Mr Fothergill’s seeds of kentford, newmarket. Tele 01638 751161

  7. Fiona Nevile

    Hello Mrs Wordsdall

    I am sorry but I do not produce these seeds. So your complaint has fallen on deaf ears. My article just reviews the range and the cost of these seeds.

    I am not sure which company produces these seeds. There are several seed companies in Newmarket and perhaps one of these produces this budjet brand.

    Perhaps geranium seeds are expensive?

  8. Mrs P Worsdall

    Have today bought a packet of you Mixed Geranium Seeds, very disppointed to only find 11 seeds in the packet. Is this usual. Other flower seeds purchased at the same time have quite a generous amount in them.

  9. Fiona Nevile

    Hi Patt

    I saw these in Netto, Newmarket on Sunday.

  10. These seeds are very good as i brought the vegetable seeds last year but i am finding it hard to get hold of them this year hi ho i will have to keep trying may be its too early yet

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