The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Country Value seeds from Netto

Country Value seedsLast weekend I breezed into Netto, the budget supermarket, to stock up on tinned sardines. Danny and the Min Pins love these and at 25p a tin, they’re a bargain. Quite often Netto sells plants for the garden. Two years ago I bought a gooseberry bush from them for £1.99. I thought I was buying an ordinary green gooseberry bush, as the box was just marked ˜Gooseberry’. I was thrilled when I discovered that it was a rather special red dessert gooseberry bush. Dessert gooseberries make an excellent liqueur.

Since then I have kept my eyes peeled for other horticultural bargains on forays to Netto . On Sunday I spotted a stand of “Country Value” seeds for 19p a packet. I wondered if they’d be any good at this price and asked a man who was throwing some packs into his trolley if he’d tried them before. He assured me that they were fine. So I bought a few packs and will report back later in the season.

Country Value seeds are produced locally, in Newmarket. The range in Netto was small but I found most of the vegetable seed that we need for the kitchen garden and the flowers that I grow each year (cosmos, sunflowers and marigolds). nine packs for just £1.71. Unbeatable value.


Update: I might have saved a lot of money but was not impressed with these seeds. Producing poor harvests overall.

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  1. rubbish seeds–7 runner beans out of 50 germinated.they are being paid of by the supermarkets!

    • Fiona Nevile

      Bad luck Rog. I had problems with my runner bean seeds germinationg this year :0(

  2. simon doyle

    I bought a pack of Gazania, average contents 20 – actual contents 11 seeds. Seems I’m by no means the only one to experience this and it has been the case for years but no way of contacting Country Value.

  3. joan mcgraw

    I bought pack of busy lizzie seeds. Only 4 seeds in pack. Can you send me a pack with a few more seeds

  4. Similarly, purchased Country Value spinach America on packet average 200 seeds actual content 85. Will not be using again.

  5. stephen hadley

    I got 3 packs of coleus seeds rainbow mix says average 60 seeds per pack ? one had 30 seeds in and 2 had none in so they are not cheap at 75p cost me £2.25.went to garden centre 99p a pack with 100 in the pack so that’s £1.98 for country value seeds work out expensive .and by feedback you get its not just me.? can not find a phone number or email address for them I wonder Y country value ????????????

  6. Keith Williamson

    I bought a packet of “Morning Glory” a few weeks ago. I went to sow them this morning, opened the packet to find that it was completely empty. The packet says there is supposed to be an average amount of 30 seeds, so someone presumably has a packet with 60 seeds in it! I don’t think I’ll be buying Country Value seeds again.

  7. Diane Kitton

    I had some stock seed for christmas opened the packet to sow not a single seed in packet.

  8. Brian Hairsine

    Bought a cheap packet of ‘Country Value’ [very inappropriately named] ‘Gardeners Delight’ [G.D.] tomato seeds. Although I have grown G.D. seeds for countless years I have never had plants like this year. Very large leaf production but weird, odd-shaped, poor trusses of mainly tiny tomatoes. I will never buy ‘Country Value’ again.

  9. anthony driscoll

    hi I purchased a packet of sweet corn it had 6 seeds in and only one has germinated bar code no.5 0109310188413 not very happy tony

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