The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Cottage Smallholder has a ‘new’ sewing machine and is now on twitter


Photo: twitter bird logo

Photo: twitter bird logo

Pottering outside the village shop yesterday, I noticed a list of things for sale – wriiten with a spidery hand. My eye ran down the page to the line
“Singer Melodie 50 sewing machine and 50 bobbins – £10”
And below it
“Large amount of materials, skirt lengths etc. £5.00”

I rushed home, rang the telephone number and within 10 minutes was parking in front of a snug bungalow in the village. I’ve been hankering for my own sewing machine for years but could never justify the cost. Now I’m doing more crafts the hankering had stepped up several gears and become a longing.

This might be an old model but it’s a really good machine – in full working order – it even does embroidery. I found a free download of the instruction manual on the Internet – at Incidentally when searching online for Singer manuals, you use the numbers on the machine rather than the model name and number. It took me a couple of hours to work that one out. Duuh…

I bought the massive box of materials too. Filled with an amazing range of stuff from gingham to gauze. I’m going to have such fun with these!

I’ve finally taken the plunge and Cottage Smallholder is now on twitter. I spent the morning in bed playing about with my twitter homepage surrounded by snoring Min Pins – who didn’t seem to be overly impressed by my first tentative steps into the social media world. I think that they’d rather I just gossiped in the village shop.

I’m really excited about these two new adventures. Watch this space.

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  1. Do try to keep it well oiled as my old Singer 50 got very stiff to turn the hand wheel then a gear broke! Considering I work in a sewing machine shop that™s rather stupid of me!

  2. I’m happy about your new sewing machine and the stash of fabric. It’s such a joy to get fabric from someone else. A friend sent me a bunch of quilting fabric once, and it was like Christmas.

    I get a *lot* out of Twitter. There are many farmers, preservers, and chefs on Twitter, and it’s fun to compare notes in real time.

  3. Ooh I am so envious of your new sewing machine! I am coveting one myself…
    Haven’t yet succumbed to Twitter though. I waste enough time on Facebook as it is!

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