The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Catnip filled bird toys to delight you and your cat


Photo: Catnip filled cat toy bird

Photo: Catnip filled cat toy bird

Danny and I designed these little birds together. I wanted to make gingham birds but D reckoned that a heavier material would give the birds a longer life. We eventually chose this sturdy cotton upholstery material. The birds are filled with 10g of dried catnip. The beaks and tails are made from ribbons which are secured safely within the inner seam. The eyes are indelible ink dots.

These will be available in our shop when Danny has a break from work later today.

The Min Pins are fascinated by them –The Contessa stole one and hid it in her basket. Luckily it was the prototype!

A catnip filled mouse toy is next on the list. I’m going to be using old denim jeans as the material – sturdy yet soft. Recycling rocks.

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  1. Heather E

    Looking good, Fiona. Well done. I like the idea of catnip mice, too. Rock on.

  2. OUR Ecovillage

    I think you might have gone from ‘recycling’ to ‘upcycling’. Your kitty toys really capture the essence of bird. Lovely!

    Michelle, as for the cat laying on the catnip… my cat is a very large Maine Coon and has never sucessfully squashed the life out of the catnip, no matter how many hours he suns there. Plus, it makes him smell pretty!


  3. Fiona, I don’t know about these catnip birds, but the felted lavender birds are SO wonderful I am going to have a very hard time giving them away (they were supposed to be for my sisters-in-law, but …. hmmm). You really are clever, and I hope you’ve sold loads. Thanks so much

    Happy Christmas to you both

  4. Michelle in NZ

    My Zebby adores catnip – I’ll be getting him some dried catnip as a treat after his current 2 weeks at his vets’ cattery (I’m up in Tauranga with my dear Folks’).

    I have some catnip seeds but am scared to plant them as 7 kilo Zebby would happily flatten any planted as he demomstrates his love for it.

    I hope you have a happy, cosy anf food-filled Christmas, Michelle xxxxx

  5. Fiona – my friend received her birthday present lavender birds and loves them, I heard from her last night. Thank you so much for sorting out the gift tag. Oh, and season’s greetings to you and Danny.

  6. My cats love catnip mice – they particularly love them with a long tail so they can hold the tail in their mouths and kick the life out of the mouse with their back legs!! The bird looks great.

  7. Michelle from Oregon

    I guess you guys are going to have to get a cat now.
    After all, you need a product tester!

  8. Danny Carey

    Catnip bags have been added to the shop 🙂

  9. Excellent! They look good. 🙂

  10. I shall be stalking your shop to place an order as soon as these go online!

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