The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Catnip filled bird toys to delight you and your cat


Photo: Catnip filled cat toy bird

Photo: Catnip filled cat toy bird

Danny and I designed these little birds together. I wanted to make gingham birds but D reckoned that a heavier material would give the birds a longer life. We eventually chose this sturdy cotton upholstery material. The birds are filled with 10g of dried catnip. The beaks and tails are made from ribbons which are secured safely within the inner seam. The eyes are indelible ink dots.

These will be available in our shop when Danny has a break from work later today.

The Min Pins are fascinated by them –The Contessa stole one and hid it in her basket. Luckily it was the prototype!

A catnip filled mouse toy is next on the list. I’m going to be using old denim jeans as the material – sturdy yet soft. Recycling rocks.

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  1. Magic Cochin

    Thank you allowing the stdio assistants to ‘road test’ one of your catnip scented birds. Read the ginger and tabby ones’ review here:

    Cat rating: 10/10


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