The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Mrs Boss The Movie

Posted in Chickens, Guinea Fowl | 12 comments

Mrs Boss The Movie

Mrs Boss is the heroine of the Farming Friend’s /Cottage Smallholder Interblog Guinea Fowl Breeding event. She is now starring in her first movie, which opened this morning on YouTube. Click here to view Mrs Boss and her keets, filmed entirely on location in the hen run with a hand held camera. The keets are starting to make tiny test flights in the handkerchief garden. The fact that they can fly so young has been a worry. When I opened the side of the castle to check their feed and change their water would they fly out? The netting in...

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Our keets have feathered wings

Posted in Guinea Fowl | 9 comments

Our keets have feathered wings

This is the sixth update on Farming Friends and Cottage Smallholder’s interblog guinea fowl breeding event. The keets are growing up and having fun. They are now eleven days old. A few days ago, the sunlight caught the shafts that were replacing the down on their wings. Now they have vanes on these shafts. Mrs Boss usually steps onto the ramp to investigate when I approach the run. Her coterie of keets rush out and open their wings, slow and high, showing off their new feathers, before racing about the handkerchief garden. Three of the...

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Five namless keets

Posted in Guinea Fowl | 5 comments

Five namless keets

This is the fith update on Farming Friends’ and Cottage Smallholder’s interblog guinea fowl breeding event. I lifted up Mrs Boss’ wing on Friday evening and counted three chicks. Since then, it has been difficult to leave the vicinity of the run and get on with essential daily tasks, such as going to work to pay for the chick crumbs. The final keet count is five. One pure white and four greyish with a grey brown stripe on their heads. I’ve studied picture of baby keets and can’t work out what colour they are....

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We have keets! Fourth update on Farming Friends’ and Cottage Smallholder’s interblog guinea fowl breeding event

Posted in Guinea Fowl | 14 comments

We have keets! Fourth update on Farming Friends’ and Cottage Smallholder’s interblog guinea fowl breeding event

We are now on day 28 of Farming Friends’ and Cottage Smallholder’s interblog guinea fowl breeding event . The gestation period for guinea fowl eggs is 26-28 days. This morning I jumped out of bed, pulled on my wellies and shot down to the chicken run. Perhaps the eggs that Sara from Farming Friends had sent us in the post had hatched. I removed the side of Mrs Boss’s castle. She gave me a cursory glance before she hopped off the nest and hoovered up the corn that I had scattered in her handkerchief garden. I examined the...

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Third update on Farming Friends’ and Cottage Smallholder’s interblog guinea fowl breeding event

Posted in Guinea Fowl | 4 comments

Third update on Farming Friends’ and Cottage Smallholder’s interblog guinea fowl breeding event

Hopefully this is the last weekend that we will be waiting for the arrival of the keets (baby guinea fowl). The eggs were sent by Sara at Farming Friends and are due to hatch anytime from June 27, so the next Mrs Boss newsflash may well report the addition of tiny keets to our menagerie. Mrs Boss is in her element. Happy in her own studio apartment, she is shifted off the nest twice a day but now doesn’t spend much time in her private garden. She refused to pose for the solo Paparazzo (me) and shimmied back to the eggs, but finding that...

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Update on Farming Friends’ and Cottage Smallholder’s interblog guinea fowl breeding event

Posted in Guinea Fowl | 5 comments

Update on Farming Friends’ and Cottage Smallholder’s interblog guinea fowl breeding event

Mrs Boss is a bantam that is extremely prone to broodiness. She is also bottom of the pecking order, so her days are lonely. She spends her time running away from Carol, our Maran hen, or spending long sojourns in the anti broody coop. Both of which she hates. When Sara at Farming Friends offered to send some guinea fowl eggs for a broody Mrs Boss we jumped at the chance. This could be the break that Mrs Boss would enjoy. She would be allowed to be broody, and hopefully have some keets (guinea fowl chicks) to care for. If some keets do hatch...

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