The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Hope – the little hen with a big personality

Posted in Chickens, Cottage tales | 25 comments

Hope – the little hen with a big personality

The last post that I made on the blog was about Hope – a favourite hen. She didn’t jump in my arms when I approached. She kept her distance. She knew that she was special. There was something in the strut of that diminutive bird. Just a few weeks ago I was estimating her age as I watched her pecking her corn. She must have been at least six or seven years old but she was still out in the run looking superb and doing her own thing. Once in a while she still laid a small white egg –  they were the sweetest and best eggs that I’ve...

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A quick update on me

Posted in Cottage tales | 52 comments

A quick update on me

I sat down and worked out that for at least half of my adult life – having passed the magical ‘adult’ age of 21 – I’ve spent exactly half of my adult life living alone. That’s actually 19 years. So I’m not a stranger to that solo state. There are benefits. At home you can be horrifyingly selfish. Watch trashy TV. Eat sandwiches for every meal. Never have to get that resigned nod when you want to buy something. Not brush your hair unless you’re going out. And of course there’s the flip side. No longer part of a team when two...

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February 14th – Valentine’s Day

Posted in Cottage tales | 54 comments

February 14th – Valentine’s Day

February 14th. It’s a big day as it celebrates love. Traditionally it was the day when your special partner andor secret admirers espoused love and beyond. Now it has blossomed to include every sort of love. Perhaps the Min Pins are now carefully positioning their muddy paw prints on cards as my fingers fly across the keyboard. At my grim boarding school there were really pretty girls that used to receive several cards on Valentine’s day. I can still hear their shrieks now as they ripped open the envelopes and honed into the messages. My...

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A quick update on me

Posted in Cottage tales | 28 comments

A quick update on me

I sat down and worked out that for at least half of my adult life – having passed the magical ‘adult’ age of 21 – I’ve spent exactly half of my adult life living alone. That’s 19 years. So I’m not a stranger to that solo state. There are benefits. At home you can be horrifyingly selfish. Watch trashy TV. Eat sandwiches for every meal. Never have to get that resigned nod when you want to buy something. Not brush your hair unless you’re going out. And of course there’s the flip side. No longer part of a team when two people to...

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The snow dog

Posted in Cottage tales | 11 comments

The snow dog

Do you remember that I mentioned that I was selling my vast lead toy collection? We suddenly needed to raise money fast on a monthly basis to repay an outstanding debt. And we did it, working together, we paid off that debt over the five month designated period. I can’t tell you the relief when I finally paid the last instalment in early December. We were free! I am continuing to sell my collection – it is very large – but I’m buying as well. Adding to my core collection and selling on the other pieces. I’ve discovered that I enjoy...

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Thank you. And a few thoughts on love.

Posted in Cottage tales | 37 comments

Thank you. And a few thoughts on love.

I just wanted to thank every reader for checking out my last two posts. Readers are essential life blood for a blog. They keep a bloggers heart pumping. I also need to thank all the readers who have made a comment on my last two posts. Initially I tried to answer each one but I quickly realised that I was getting out of my depth. I just had too much going on to give decent replies. Many apologies. You comments have been a godsend. They make me think, give me courage and hope. And they often make me cry. Your thoughts and genuine goodwill have...

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First new steps

Posted in Cottage tales | 52 comments

First new steps

Danny has been back for a few days to sift through his stuff. It’s always good to see him. He brings me tea and perches on the end of my bed and we chat about our old points of contact on the Internet. The CSH forum, the blog and eBay. At the end of the day he returns to his new place in Ipswitch. He’s getting fit. Walking, walking and walking. He’s even invested in a pair of hiking shoes – attractive trainers. He is looking good. I remember that before I met him that this was his pattern. “I want to get into shape.” He explained....

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Our hearts are so precious. They need to be cherished.

Posted in Cottage tales | 112 comments

Our hearts are so precious. They need to be cherished.

Danny and I are splitting up. It’s very painful and I’m feeling so sad and desolate. We have been together for 15 years. We were always good friends. He has never ceased to be a fun, intelligent and charming companion. He has shared so much knowledge. He always surprised and entertained me. He also loved my Min Pin dogs. Scorned by so many in the past. Unfortunately physically I could never be the slim, svelte lady that he really wished to have on his arm.  And there’s the rub for both of us. It has been hard for me to look in a...

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