The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space


argan oil on shelvesEvery blogroll is special. Even the ones that have over a hundred names.

Mine holds the blogs that I visit regularly. If I don’t have the time to drop by, I often think of posts that they have they have written – ideas that have touched me. Even though I have met only one of the authors, I count all these bloggers as friends.

Sometimes , late at night, we wonder about these ‘friends’ and plan a party for the boggers that we like and have never met. One day this will happen. The hugs will be enormous and the gossip afterwards will last for weeks.

Good writing lives beyond the page or in this case the screen. Like small rounded pebbles turned over and over in a pocket, all these blogs intrigue and delight me. They inspire me and always entertain. They represent just a few of the jewels that you will unearth on your journey through the Blogosphere.

Tonight I’ve updated my blogroll. I’ve deleted all that haven’t blogged in the past six months apart from Writing at the Kitchen Table. This was a marvellous blog. Well written and packed with wonderful foodie ideas. Freya has started a new blog focussing on chocolate but I know that I will be drifting back to her old archives and I hope that you will too.

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  1. I’d love to be at that party!

  2. Oh my goodness, I’m blogrolled with you! That’s quite a compliment. I am updating my next month – housekeeping, housekeeping …

  3. Thank you so much for putting me on your sidebar. (I still have problems with the word ‘blogroll’ – sounds as though it should be covered with a crocheted doll.)

    I answered your tag. Phew!

    Off to discover your other new additions, best wishes, Sally

  4. Fiona Nevile

    Hi Chris

    I’ve got the link working now!

  5. I tried to get onto the blog Writing at the Kitchen Table but it came up as unavailable. I guess that’s because it hasn’t been written for a while. Is there another link I could use as I am so very interested to read it..?
    Thank you.

  6. Hi Fiona, thanks for the compliment. You make me feel guilty, my blogroll needs updating, especially since Celia gave me a good hint about the best way forward for me. The couple of blogger meets I’ve been to have been really good fun, because you already know the people there, even though you’ve never met. When you write about the food you eat, you are revealing yourself very candidly … but I don’t suppose any of us fully understood that until we were deep in 😉


  7. I would like to thank you for introducing me to some beautiful writing through your blogroll and through clicking on further blogrolls as I randomly wander round the internet. Sometimes it seems a slightly voyeuristic thing to do, dipping in and out of people’s lives but I guess they put it out there in the first place. I know you don’t have much spare time at the moment but have you looked at a blog called Gluten Free Girl? Orangette has a link to this blog through her blogroll. I have visited a few times, however a couple of days ago I was reading and clicked on a link to her post about meeting her husband and was completely blown away by her description which left me in tears, it was so moving.

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