The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Best roast goose and recipe

Photo: Danny carving the Christmas goose

Photo: Danny carving the Christmas goose

What do Heston Blumenthal and I have in common? Apart from the fact that we both wear glasses.

We buy our geese from Clerkesgeese.

Decorating other peoples’ houses has wonderful benefits. Generally the conversation turns to food and information is shared. A young client (‘mother‘ of the mischievous Freddie) mentioned that she had tasted one of the Clerkes Farm Geese last Christmas and had ordered one this year. When she added that Heston Blumenthal had voted their geese the best in his goose taste test, the die was cast. The prices were pretty competitive too.

This morning we discovered that our Christmas goose was a bit too long to fit in the oven. The solution was to raise the bird’s legs up in the air. We constructed a cantilever arrangement with butchers string that Isambard Kingdom Brunel would have been proud of, and managed to just squeeze it in.

In the past we’ve battled with various roast goose recipes, with little success D followed a well known cookbook two years ago and produced a burnt offering at lunchtime. Today we decided to go with the method described on the Clerkesgeese website.

We feasted on the best goose that I’ve ever tasted for Christmas lunch. Succulent and packed with flavour. So hats off to Clerkesgeese. They made our special meal a gourmet delight.

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  1. There is a problem with this page as i cannot read the article because it is obscured by the comments.

    thank you

  2. Sarah from Essex

    We had goose this year for the first time and it was a real treat; we did push the boat out a bit as not sure of liking it and therefore had turkey too. The three of us loved them both! We really enjoyed the story of these birds lives knowing that traditional breeds and local production were at the forefront of this experience. I am completely new to blogging and this is the first site that I have stumbled upon. I have really enjoyed reading your snippets and those from fellow bloggers. Thank you and a Happy New Year to you both and I look forward to reading about your progress and life in 2009.

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