The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Last minute Christmas cake recipe

angel decorationOver the years we have tried various Christmas cake recipes but the best by far was the one that we made last year, a week before Christmas. We wanted a cake packed with fruit but not a dark heavy traditional type of Christmas cake. We’d had to force down too many slices of these in the past.

My Mother used to make us these and bring one each Christmas. Then she decided to buy them. These were worse and not disguised by being fed with lashings of brandy. We’d cut a few slices at Christmas, give her half the cake to take home at the end of her stay and the rest would linger in the larder for weeks and eventually been tossed out with the rubbish. We tried feeding one particularly disappointing one to the birds one year, and even they turned their beaks up at it.

“Make a Christmas cake if you want. But I won’t be eating it,” said Danny, settling in a large armchair to watch the rugby. Faced with this challenge I was determined to bake a cake that even D couldn’t resist.

I skimmed though all our books and found a recipe for a Christmas cake that sounded lighter than usual and tinkered with the ingredients. I replaced the darker ingredients, molasses, stout and muscavado sugar with lighter alternatives. We didn’t cut it until Boxing Day, when I spotted Danny sneaking into the kitchen for a second slice. Slightly paler than a traditional cake, it was packed with fruit, tasted wonderful and kept well. The last slice was tucked into my lunchbox at the end of January.

If you fancy trying a more traditional recipe, here are two links to sites with Christmas cake recipes that look good:
There is a Mary Berry recipe here
Delia Smith has a range of recipes here

Last minute Christmas cake recipe:


8″ round cake tin (4″ deep), baking parchment.


  • 450g raisins
  • 285g sultanas
  • 110g currants
  • 180g glacé cherries (halved)
  • 110g ground almonds
  • 225g unsalted butter (room temperature)
  • 225g soft brown sugar (pale)
  • 285g plain flour (sieved)
  • zest of a lemon
  • 5 eggs
  • 2 tsp of mixed spice
  • 2 tbsp of pale runny honey
  • 200 ml of beer (I used Speckled Hen)
  • 4 tbsp of Irish Whiskey/Whisky/ Brandy – when the baked cake has cooled


  1. Preheat oven to 160c (140 fan)
  2. Line the base and sides of the 8″ cake tin with a double thickness of baking parchment. Cut the paper an inch deeper than the tin so that it is sticking above the top rim.
  3. Cream the butter and sugar together until light and fluffy (I use an electric mixer for this).
  4. Beat the eggs well and add them gradually to the mixture, a little at a time, beating them well. If the mixture curdles beat in a teaspoon of the flour before continuing.
  5. Using a tablespoon, gently fold in the flour, lemon zest and spices.
  6. Fold in the beer and honey and stir gently.
  7. Add the fruit and ground almonds and stir gently.
  8. Transfer the mixture to the cake tin and make a hollow in the centre of the mixture (roughly 2″ wide and 1″ deep).
  9. Bake in the centre of a preheated oven for about 2.5 hours depending on your oven, it may need a little longer. Check that it is cooked by inserting a skewer into the middle – this should be clean when removed. The centre should feel firm and springy if touched.
  10. Turn out onto a wire rack. When it is cold, make a few holes in the top and bottom of the cake (using a skewer) and feed the cake with the Irish whiskey (brandy would be fine as an alternative).
  11. Wrap the cake in baking parchment and store in a tin or cover with foil until you need it.
  12. If you would like to make your own marzipan – it’s very easy and so much better than bought. My recipe is here

Tips and tricks:

  • If you are going to cover the cake with marzipan and ice it, put the marzipan on a few days before it is iced so the surface of the marzipan can dry. Otherwise the marzipan can bleed through and stain the icing.
  • I sliced off the top of my cake before putting on the marzipan so the top would be flat. Or use the base as the top.

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  1. hi how much whiskey/brandy do you use to lace the cake?

  2. Hi, I’ve only just found this site. Every year I fully intend to make my own xmas cake, but by the time I get round to it it’s too late, and I end up buying one and icing it. One question I do have is if you can leave out the alcohol (as you said somewhere above) what would you replace the liquid with? I’m not worried about it lasting with a husband and 4 teenage boys it doesn’t last anyway!!!

  3. Fiona Nevile

    Hello Jacqui

    Thanks so much for leaving this comment. This is the only fruit cake recipe that D eats and really enjoys.

    Still have to make mine…

  4. Just to say, I made this cake last year, my first attempt since school at making an xmas cake!
    It is brilliant and I have just made one again for thisxmas!
    PLUS I had left-over bits qnd have made amini version to eat now, I think my husband will eat the xmas cake early if I didn’t!!!

    I have made the min one with alcohol free beer as that was all I had left (OK, so I must admit that I drank the rest of the speckled hen myself! ROFL)
    I will let youknow how the mini one goes!
    The normal version looks great as last year.

  5. Fiona Nevile

    Hi Mandymc

    I don’t know the answer to your question. You could try using non alcoholic beer in the cake mix. I’e heard that you can soak the fruit in cold tea.

    It might be worth Goggling for non alcoholic Christmas cake.

    I store ours in a tin.

  6. Hi there. I am also interested in finding out if one has to add alcohol? if i don’t, how do i prevent it from drying out – can i just put it in a airtight container?

  7. Fiona Nevile

    Hi Linda

    You don’t need to feed this cake. I just pour on some whiskey (I live with an Irishman) when it’s still warm and that’s it. But you can feed it if you want to. Thi will make it keep longer. Without feeding, ours is fine until the end of January.

    When cold, I cover it with marzipan we have a recipe here I let it dry for a few days and then ice it.

    Scotch whisky or Irish whiskey will have a similar effect.

  8. Hi
    Just a quick question (or two!)…
    Does a/the Christmas cake have to be ‘fed’, and if so does it have to be Irish whiskey? Or can it just be iced? Does feeding it whiskey (is there a diff between irish and scottish?) matter? Just curious b4 i go out specially to find irish whiskey!! lol

  9. Fiona Nevile

    Hello tinysandra

    There is a useful link here about setting temperatures on your rayburn

    I have a conventional oven so cannot help you. Good luck!

  10. tinysandra

    I have today had a rayburn solid fuel cook only range put in could you tell me the temp and time to try this cake in it.
    many thanks

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