The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Belated Happy Birthday

guinea and mashWe’d been looking forward to the blog’s birthday, crossing off the days as we sailed into August. This morning I realised that we’d missed it. Yesterday the blog was two years old.

So tonight we raised two large glasses of sloe vodka to the blog. It has bought us so much joy.

My mum always says that when she wakes on my birthday she lies in bed and thinks of watching the dawn break on the morning that I was born. She tells me how happy she was – a new life sleeping beside her.

Our blog snoozes beside us at night and has taken us on an amazing journey over the past two years. Writing every day I’m always searching for new material. I look and listen closely and enjoy a much more reflective life.

The Cottage Smallholder blog was born on a cold, wet August weekend. It has had a massive impact on our lives.

Thank you for reading this blog.

It encourages us to grow.

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  1. Fiona Nevile

    Hi Wendy

    I’m so pleased that you found my blog too. Thanks for your comments. And you like the livestock posts so I always think of you when I write one! Really appreciate your comments.

    Hello Sharon J

    I enjoy your bog too – always interesting. Thanks so much for your support.

    Hi Cherry

    So pleased that you are enjoying the blog. I often think about you guys and it™s good to know that you are dropping by.

    Hello Veronica

    Thanks for dropping by. Much appreciated. Your blog is awesome.

    Hi Hayley

    I whistled over to your blog and thoroughly enjoyed the trip!

    Hi Pamela

    Thanks for your encouragement and all your comments. A blog is just a blog until comments make it into a party!

    Hi Claire

    I really appreciate your input. Can™t wait to try out your silver cleaning recipe! Miss your blog.

    Hello Lynn

    Your blog is wonderful. Even the title is tempting. Love the idea of sharing across the generations.

    Everyday life is special. Writing a blog has taught me that.

    Hi Casalba

    Thanks for your support. Love it when I have the time to visit your blog too. Wonderful writing and fabulous photographs. A fascinating glimpse of a life in a country that we love visiting.

    Hello Philippa

    Thanks for all your good wishes. Delighted that you read our posts and enjoy them. If I didn™t live here I™d love to live in Herefordshire a truly beautiful county.

    Hello Belinda

    Thanks for leaving a comment. Great that you are enjoying the blog. It™s fun to write too and comments like yours make it all worthwhile!

    Hi Michelle

    Aren™t birthdays great! Thanks for your support. I™d love to write a book but as yet nothing is on the horizon. We often talk about you and your husband (the penchant for photographing trains intrigued me and D admitted that if he head the time he™d love to do the same). Love thinking that someone miles away is reading our stuff. Brilliant.

    Hi Pat

    Love your comments and ideas! Also like venturing onto your blogs. I™m gobsmacked by your energy, one blog is enough for me and I™m struggling to keep it in line!

    Hello The Organic Viking

    Miss reading your blog. When will I be able to visit again?

    Meanwhile, thanks for your comments, always appreciated

    Hi Moggymerlin

    Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I™m intrigued by your name. Love cats and King Arthur, perfect.

    Hello Martyn

    Always appreciate your comments. You have a special status for us. You, like us discovered the bounty of your hedgerows, had fun and reported the same. That™s what it™s all about, hedgerow wise. Hope that you are simultaneously having fun in other areas too.

    Hello Toffeeapple

    Thank you so much for giving a link to your site. I knew that it™d be good and spent a happy lunch hour basking.

    Hi Plumsource

    Needless to say, I enjoy your blog immensely. Coming from the same Soho buzz, I feel an affinity.

    Thanks for dropping by

    Hi The Chicken Lady

    Without the blog we wouldn™t have had two fine guinea fowl males who needed a new home. And the bonus prize was that we met you and S and Rollo. Now good friends, Can™t beat that.

  2. The Chicken Lady

    Dear Fiona,many congratulations on two years of the blog.It,s an amazing achievement, especially knowing how busy you are all the time.I,m not sure how you do it some nights, when we have late sessions around your kitchen table but i,m very glad you do.The BLOG brings alot of joy to people and more importantly valuble information that has helped hundreds.Well done to you both from all of us on the hill xxx

  3. plumsource

    Happy Birthday to you! You are an inspiration. Especially finding the time to do all this amazing stuff AND write about it every day! Thanks for sharing your great tips and recipes. xx

  4. Toffeeapple

    Has it really been two years? How time flies when I’m having fun. Thank you Fiona, you brighten my life no end. Here’s to the next two, at least.

  5. Happy birthday!I would describe myself as an irregular reader, but you never fail to cheer me up. Keep on keepin’ on!

  6. moggymerlin

    Hi Fiona, I too read your blog daily and look forward to your news and the recipes too. You always make my day brighter. Thank you and Happy Birthday.

  7. The Organic Viking

    Never mind ‘thanks for reading’, thank you so much for writing it. I haven’t been reading it long, but I look forward to the next year.

  8. Belated Happy Birthday Fiona!!! I too will be looking forward to reading more in the coming year. 🙂

  9. michelle sheets

    Happy Belated Birthday Fiona,
    I look foward to your 3rd year, for the wonderful stories and the peaceful mental pictures for my minds eye that you compose with your words.

    So, book coming soon…..? I hope……?

  10. Belinda

    Happy Birthday! (belated)

    I love your blog & reccomend it to like minded friends all the time.

    I like to save it up for a week.. and then see whats been happening. If I come every day it never seems like enough (yes Im CSH blog greedy)

    You are such an inspiration.

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