The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Behind the scenes: update


Photo: Last year's snow

Photo: Last year's snow

Our online shop is buzzing and that’s why you’ve heard nothing from me for a few days. The lavender birds and hearts are going very well and the last few days have been awash with felt, gingham and ribbons. Our local shop has had to order in more supplies to keep up with our demand! Exciting stuff.

The most heartening thing is that we are both working on the online shop. Designing the products together – Danny has a good eye for colour and detail. At the moment I’m responsible for making up the stock and Danny manages the orders and does the packing. I wonder if by next Christmas he will be whirring away on a sewing machine too!

Following your suggestions we have bought ‘genuine catnip’ online and will be making catnip cat toys soon. The prototypes will be tested out on Seraphina’s cats – Bubble and Squeak at Christmas.

We will be making kits in the New Year, when we have time to research wholesale suppliers. Meanwhile we are bursting with ideas and having fun. As a member of the Blue Peter generation I spent my childhood making things and it’s so good to be back in a similar space again after all these years.

Six months ago I wouldn’t have believed that we’d be doing this. A lucky break finding a £10 second hand sewing machine and a large stash of material has snowballed.

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  1. Well done to you both! Extremely well deserved.
    I say handmade with such love,hard work,attention to detail can’t be beaten.
    Plus, YOU listen to all our wishes amidst everything else you have to do, wonderful products made by very special people.
    Wishing you every success for your future empire!
    You both deserve it so much!
    Much love every possible good wishes.

  2. Toffeeapple

    I’m so pleased that it is going so well. And I’m loving the smellies, they are wonderful, far superior to commercially produced ones.

  3. alisonb43

    Congratulations to you both, much fun to be had I am sure. I love tartan and don’t think Danny should dismiss this opportunity so quickly!!! I am hoping to get back to my sewing machine and knitting in the new year. Thank you for your blog; sometimes I feel like a martian in todays consumer society – everyone is so selfish and materialistic – but it is good to hear from yourselves and your other contributors and bloggers; proof that there are people with a similar outlook. Wishing everyone a very happy Christmas and best wishes for 2011. x

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