The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Bach remedies

bach remediesLast year I was working in a friend’s house when her husband suddenly rushed past me, opened a kitchen drawer and grabbed some Bach Remedies. He applied several drops of each under his tongue and as he flashed past my step ladder he explained.
“Difficult conference call coming up.”

This was a top businessman. A normal guy. I was amazed.

Years ago I spotted Bach remedies in Health Food shops. I loved the complete set of them, sitting in rows in a pretty mahogany case. I wanted to believe that they were effective. Occasionally I have bought them and expected miracles. We had an unopened phial of Rescue Remedy sitting in our kitchen cupboard for so long that the rubber squeezy top hardened and cracked. The arnica cream is in our bathroom cabinet and has the thumbs up for years. I was unsure about the effectiveness of the other remedies.

I like a challenge and generally accept most that come my way as long as the challenge date is far, far away. About two weeks before appearing on Britain’s Best Dish I began to have sleepless nights. Niggling nervousness quickly developed into Cold White Fear. How was I going to cope with being in the studio, let alone cook?

I thought the nerves would pass. They didn’t. In desperation I rang my pal for their recommended Bach remedy formula. By this stage I would have ingested an armadillo if it might help.

“You need Mimulus and Larch. Squeeze the rubber tops and put a pipette of each into a small bottle of mineral water and sip it all day. If you are in crisis apply a few drops under the tongue initially.”

Jalopy and I shot down to Newmarket and headed for Boot’s. I bought a new bottle of Rescue Remedy as well. In the car park I opened the bottles and applied under the tongue. By the time Jalopy was reversing into the drive I was calm. I was stunned.

All was well on the day of the filming until my bottle of doctored mineral water was suddenly whisked away and replaced with a glass of water. There was a shriek from me.
“We cannot be seen to be promoting a brand of water.”
My mineral water bottle was hidden behind the screens in the area where we were allowed to venture and relax during filming!

Apparently it is unwise to mix more than seven Bach remedies together. Rescue Remedy has a combination of five and the other two make up the magic number. This mixture works brilliantly for me. The little phials live in Jalopy’s glove compartment ready for action.


You can buy Bach remedies online at Amazon.

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  1. Fn wrote :
    “Alternative remedies sometimes work for me and sometimes they don™t. I don™t need proof that they work before I try them.”

    Placebo effects, self-limiting conditions,
    all exist, people do get better from the minor ails that beset them without any medication. I doubt if Bach Remedies have any positive thereputic value in themselves.

    “Last year I was working in a friend™s house when her husband suddenly rushed past me, opened a kitchen drawer and grabbed some Bach Remedies. He applied several drops of each under his tongue and as he flashed past my step ladder he explained.
    œDifficult conference call coming up.

    That guy has got a problem, imagine how you would feel if he were relying on a slug out of gin bottle or a snort of cocaigne before taking that conference call. If he can’t handle his job without resorting to drugs, he should be looking for another job.


  2. Hi Catherine ,
    I shall take a look in William Boericke/ Materia Medica about Calcarea Carbonica.
    Thank you for the Answer !
    Yes read this Article please – It is very interesting indeed!

  3. Fiona Nevile

    Hello All,


    What we have here are two tribes. The pro alternative remedy tribe and the anti alternative remedy tribe. These tribes will clearly never resolve their differences.

    Back in the 1980’s I knew a medical doctor who also was a homeopathic practitioner. He believed that both approaches to healing were valid.

    Alternative remedies sometimes work for me and sometimes they don’t. I don’t need proof that they work before I try them.

    Healing is a broad and fascinating arena. The conventional medical practitioners are just a part of that arena.

  4. “Dairy farmers swear by it as a cure for mastitis. Vets prescribe it instead of antibiotics – a much cheaper cure – and is less disruptive for milk production.”

    Homeopathic vets might prescribe it. It does not work and this has been fairly well documented now. The entire veterinary literature that claims to show the success of homeopathic remedies consists of uncontrolled case reports. As soon as the effects of spontaneous recovery and wishful-thinking by vet and owner are removed, by the usual methods of swapping some of the ‘real’ pills for ‘blanks’ and looking for a difference NONE IS FOUND.

    The claim that homeopathy ‘must’ work because it works in animals is just untrue.

    Let’s look at your amazing cat story. Cat sits still for a little while. Human pokes cat. Cat gets fed up has a bite to eat and goes out. A cat given a Gelesmium ‘remedy’ that went and ate afterwards proves precisely nothing. The fundamental mistake you make is that you kid yourself into thinking that you ‘know’ what would have happened if you hadn’t intervened, or heaven- forfend, if your remedies did not work. However, we humans are not blessed with such godlike insight and we do not know what would have happened in any single circumstance if we had acted differently or not acted at all.

    Hey, if you see enough medicine you see all sorts of things happen just by coincidence. What the responsible physician does is not allow themselves to be swayed by this. What the homeopath does is round up such coincidental anecdotes and falsely generalise from them (for fun and profit).

  5. Katherine

    Hi Eugenia,

    I gave my cockatiel Calcarea Carbonica, a dose of 6c. I based this on my observation that she was very chilly (normally she was always like a little radiator), sluggish, off her food. The growth was quite hard and felt bony; bony growths are part of the Calc Carb remedy picture.

    I’ll have a look at the article you suggest, as well as the one Tufty mentions!

  6. Oh I ment Gelsemium sempervirens

  7. Hi Catherine ,
    The cat got GELSENIUM but please say us what remedy did you give your parrot ?
    Here is an excellent article against Homeopathy (Clear, focussed and to the point)
    ..but I still trust my own experience and would always try Homeopathy first of all !

  8. Fiona Nevile

    Hi Tufty,

    Thanks for dropping by. I will read The Guardian article at the weekend when I have a bit more time.

    I have found that some Bach and Homeopathic remedies work for me and will continue to take them.

    Hi Emma,

    How interesting that you have researched the efficacy of alternative remedies and continue to take Rescue Remedy in stressful situations.

    Thanks for leaving a comment.

    Hi Amanda,

    Thanks for sharing your son’s experience. Asthma can kill so it must have been frightening when your son developed this condition.

    I am so pleased that the homeopathic remedies worked for him!

    Nether you or Katherine have hijacked the comments. I found both your experiences fascinating.

  9. I think you’re right Fiona. I certainly look at the children and think they are far more wise and in touch than most adults I know.

    Thank you Katherine, It’s all very interesting. I think I’m a very open person to anything which isn’t thought of as ‘normal’ – though I used to be a little sceptical about homeopathic medicine. That changed when my first child got bronchiolitis at 3 months old. He went on to become asthmatic and having watched him lying in hospital beds hooked up to ventilators to help him breathe several times, a few very frightening ambulance call outs, and then what seemed like the never ending steroids he took. It led us to take the homeopathic route and after a couple of months we were able to stop the steroids. He is now free of asthma, much younger and sooner than we were advised.

    Thanks again. Loved the stories about the cat and the cockatiel.

    Sorry we hi-jacked your comments there Fiona.
    Amanda xx

  10. Rescue Remedy is great stuff; I used to take it before driving lessons to calm me down. I did a lot of commercial research into the efficacy of herbal remedies in a former job – I’m not going to make claims for the medicinal qualities of Bach remedies, but as a user I certainly feel like they make a difference, placebo or not.

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