The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Baby turnip, Romano pepper and continental onion salad recipe. With a homemade walnut vinegar dressing.


Baby turnip, onion and Romano pepper salad

Photo: Baby turnip, onion and Romano pepper salad

Danny and I spent all day yesterday developing a tasty slow cooked spare rib recipe. I reckon that we eventually pulled it off as the dish was guzzled very fast and everything was almost licked clean. You can find our spare rib recipe here.

I wanted to serve the ribs with rice and a crisp salad. Finely sliced Oasis baby turnips were top of my list to try. I teamed two turnips with a couple of continental spring onions and a slim Romano pepper. The turnips were sweet and spicy – rather like a more succulent radish. The dressing was a splash some very special olive oil and a dash of homemade walnut vinegar. With sprinkles of fresh coriander (cilantro) the salad was the perfect foil for the rich melt in the mouth spare ribs.

Our original homemade walnut vinegar died a death in the barn when I was over enthusiastically searching for bottles to make raspberry liqueur. I thought that this vinegar was a year old, in fact looking at the colour of the vinegar in the 2009 bottles, I reckon that the smashed bottle was older as it was much darker than the three that are maturing in the barn.

Nevertheless the walnut vinegar was light and vibrant in a walnutty sort of way. So if you miss the boat for pickled walnuts and only find walnuts on a tree after mid June, why not give walnut vinegar a try this year. It’s delicious.

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1 Comment

  1. Victoria

    Ooh, looking forward to the rib recipe tomorrow, I’m trying to find a good recipe at the moment, so will be interested to see how you do it.

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