The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

And the winner is….


Photo: A corner of the Old Kitchen Garden

Photo: A corner of the Old Kitchen Garden

Our competition naming the late arrivals at the Chef’s and Gardener’s Ball closed at midnight last night. I’ve really enjoyed reading the entries for this competition. The Min Pins got quite concerned as I sat in bed roaring with laughter. They scrambled out from under the duvet curious to see what was going on.

Laughter has drifted across from The Rat Room too.

There were some great entries but the winner just has to be Brightsprite – not just the quantity of entries but the quality. In particular I cried tears of laughter over
(Blind) Lady Herds-Pye with her dog Shep
Mr & Mrs Tonpleese and their rather large son, Piley

So congratulations Brightsprite. Email me your address through the contact us tab and I’ll pop the book in the post to you.

Thinking about the competition this morning I wondered why only Brits had entered. Surely the prize of a tatty book from my childhood library would have international appeal? Then I realised the whole ethos of the competetion was a typically quirky British sense of humour. So my next competition will have a northern hemisphere appeal (if you are interested in biodynamic gardening and planting by the moon that is) and the prize is a brand new book that is still winging its way across the snow from Amazon. Watch this space.

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  1. ChickPea

    Congratulations Brightsprite – certainly a most well deserved win !

    AND – Well Done & Thank You Fiona (and Danny) for such a fabulous competition. What fun to ‘encounter’ so many characters with such ingenious names – my life was enriched by each and every one of them – Thank You All and Everyone who got involved.

    What a brilliant start to the New Year – wow !

  2. Very well deserved Brightspark!

  3. Well done Brightsprite

    I racked my brains for ages but could not come up with anything as witty to match yours! must be the cold virus that has invaded my body

    enjoy the book

  4. brightsprite

    Even if they were ‘off-topic!

  5. brightsprite

    Thank you very much for your lovely comments – I wish a lot more people had taken part, I really enjoyed the challenge of dreaming them up !!
    I have to admit, I had some laughs too !!
    Danny’s Ing family made me laugh – and in particular the Ulent family!

  6. As someone from the other side of the pond, I just didn’t get the idea of the competition. I don’t know what ‘Sorry I haven’t a clue’ referred to (presumably some sort of game) and didn’t understand the Chef and Gardener’s Ball reference, so I figured that it was a strictly British competition. I probably would have submitted something had I understood it, assuming I came up with something clever.

    And we do appreciate British humor- when we get it.

  7. Congratulations Britesprite!

  8. Toffeeapple

    Well done Brightsprite! Kept me amused for ages.

  9. magic cochin

    (Blind) Lady Herds-Pye with her dog Shep had me giggling away in my studio too – you’ve chosen a well-deserved winner.

    Biodynamic gardening is facinating, I’m usually sceptical about things, but I visited the Elysia Biodynamic Garden which is part of the Garden Organic HQ at Ryton near Coventry.

    The veg was incredible, compared to all the other beautiful example veg garden at Ryton it stood out. I have no idea it the theory works or whether it’s because the rules of biodynamics force you pay more attention to the soil and plants – but it worked for them! It’s worth a visit (and the cafe is preety good too!!!)

    More snow this morning – stay warm

  10. Oh I am so glad you chose Brightsprite as the winner. I laughed so much at the entries. Thank you for all the fun. Looking forward to the next competition.

    Congratulations Brightsprite.

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