The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Allotment update: six weeks on

“You look so happy.” Danny said.
We were resting from digging on plot 90B. The wind was warm. And yes I was happy. We were out and working together on our new project. An allotment, five miles from home, that feels like paradise.

I’m finding it very hard to tear myself away from our allotment. There’s a lot of work to be done – preparing the ground and working out a rough layout. For the time being we’re going for long borders that are roughly 6’ wide, separated by grass paths. But it’s not the work that makes me happy – it’s the promise of new land and friends away from home. An escape.

We live in a beautiful cottage with a third of an acre of land but as we now both work from home and go out rarely, sometimes our home can seem like a gilded cage. We also lead fairly independent lives. On the plot we are working together.

We spend hours sitting on the two plastic garden chairs that were left on the plot dreaming about sheds, arbours and the obligatory pond. A plot wouldn’t feel right without a small army of frogs to deal with the pesky slugs. Here we have the space to experiment with new (to us) vegetables and fruit.

The allotment is in our nearest town, Newmarket. It’s a big site – over 140 plots – with a good relaxed and friendly feel. The committee is very keen on community. The fruit from the numerous fruit trees is generally shared. Here you can fine Williams pears and old tasty apple varieties – their names long forgotten.

Our village is on much higher ground than the town. The temperature down there is several degrees higher – that combined with the slight wind and ryegrass gives our plot a beachy feel. Our kitchen garden is fairly shady – getting sun in the afternoon. On plot 90B there is sun all day – when it’s shinning.

Germination is swift too. 3 days for Kohl Rabi and just a week for carrots. It’s a very special place and when we return home we feel relaxed and refreshed however tired that we feel when we arrive.

As you know The Chicken Lady and S have got an allotment near by and we are beginning to make new friends too. It’s so good to see other people even if we don’t have time to chat for long.

I have planted some perennial vegetables. More details on these in a few days time. A few celery plants, squash plants from Magic Cochin and a long row of leeks. I’ve also sewn quite a bit of seed – autumn carrots, pak choi, winter lettuces, chicory, raddichio, chervil, speedy cut and come again salad leaves and spinach for baby leaves. Radishes, turnip oasis, beetroot and collard greens. These last seeds were a present from Terry Golson who writes the excellent site in America – they take 70 days till harvest and are a biannual. I reckon that these will be similar to the cabbage trees that we have in our kitchen garden. In the next few days I’ll sow coriander and parsley between the perennial vegetables.

The soil is very fine and dries out very quickly. We’ve bulked each border up with loads of the free compost available on site.

I met our neighbour Mark who tactfully looked at our mountain of ryegrass and told me that a neighbour of his had suggested that he to dig it into the ground. Over the winter the turf had broken down releasing nutrients into the soil. We decided to go with this idea. To make this a bit easier we’ve dug pits 1.5 spits deep and laid the turf grass side down. This is covered in a layer of compost and then the topsoil is raked over the top.

So far this has produced gorgeous plumped up beds.

When sowing seed I fill the drills with much more water than I would usually do – here I use the water from a 6.5 litre watering can for a drill of about 10’. This provides an underground oasis for the seeds and seems to be having the desired effect. When I come to water at the end of a long sunny day I can still see the moisture beneath the rows of seedlings.

Last week the UK was celebrating National Allotment Week. Hopefully we will be celebrating our allotment for years to come.


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  1. Sadly I had to give up my allotment a few years ago as I just didn’t have the time that it needed – but now I can get my allotment fix from reading about yours! I’m sure you’ll enjoy it greatly.

  2. Suz in LA

    How wonderful to see your seelings growing in your new beds!

  3. Allotment life is quite wonderful. It will do you both the world of good. Congratulations and carry on with the good work!

  4. This reminds me of me many years ago when I first had my vegetable garden. I could always unwind there. I’d forgotten until you mentioned the grass that it had been a small rough lawn, we took off all the grass, composted it and put it back on again once we’d laid concrete paths. Added useful bulk to the sandy soil.

  5. Chris Grogan

    I totally get how happy you are on the allotment. I often think that’s where I’m at my most content – just pottering round on the plot. Our site is tiny, just 29 plots sandwiched between a railway line and the canal. I’m No 29 so I get to say hi to everyone and nosey away as I walk down the site then I hide myself away at the end. I’m not nearly as productive as you are – far too much pottering – and I’m gobsmacked at the list of produce you’ve got in already. I have spent the last week jamming and freezing and pickling though – oh and stuffing raspberries into gin bottles – all thanks to your wonderful recipes. Heres to happy gardening.

  6. Domestic Executive

    How exciting to be expanding your home farming horizons. Looking forward to see how it develops over time. My kitchen garden is a disaster zone right now after having taken a hit of two feet of snow this week. I fear I shall be having to start again with Spring veg.

  7. Susan@HollyGrove

    Sounds as though you’re having great fun – enjoy!

  8. Well done to both of you. I know this allotment is going to be a real success. Clever idea with the rye grass – have you sown seeds on top of these plumped up beds?

  9. Good luck with your allotment!!

  10. I eagerly await news of the collards! Some people grow them just for their hens. The girls love the big leaves and are a welcome green when most of the other veg are done. In the States, the traditional way to cook them is a long simmer with a bit of bacon and a splash of vinegar. Trendy cooks might cut in a chiffonade and swiftly cook, but really these greens take to bacon! Enjoy.
    –Terry from the HenCam (who herself has not this year planted collards, but have just seeded my fall kale and spinach and HOPE they will be up and ready before our first frost, which can be as early as mid-September.

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