A quick update on me
Posted by Fiona Nevile in Cottage tales | 52 comments
My favourite hen named Hope
I sat down and worked out that for at least half of my adult life – having passed the magical ‘adult’ age of 21 – I’ve spent exactly half of my adult life living alone.
That’s actually 19 years. So I’m not a stranger to that solo state. There are benefits. At home you can be horrifyingly selfish. Watch trashy TV. Eat sandwiches for every meal. Never have to get that resigned nod when you want to buy something. Not brush your hair unless you’re going out.
And of course there’s the flip side. No longer part of a team when two people to work out the best course of action. No one to say that I’m being ridiculous when I actually was being a bit silly. No one to eat with when I’ve pulled out all the stops to make a great meal. No hugs.
There’s the rub. Hugs are really important.
Your virtual hugs have given me so much solace. The stories that some people have shared have made me weep. Why are some people so cruel?
Danny is a good guy. I’m fond of him. He is still clearing out his stuff so we meet regularly. We chat on the phone. He is building a life way outside the boundaries of my life. Of course I’m curious. Long distant friendships are deceptively easy.
It’s when he backs his new (to him) car into the drive that I quail a bit inside. For the first few minutes I hate him.
Within half and hour I’m enjoying the fact that we are now just friends.
Our exclusive one to one relationship had run out of steam. I must admit, I do mourn that. We both tried valiantly to keep it going.
Since he left the tears that used to dominate my day have gradually dispersed. They’re still there and their return always surprises me. Yesterday, in the supermarket car park, I was knocked back by unexpected tears. Thank god I’d done my shopping and was sitting in my car. So I just let go and sobbed – hoping that no one that I knew would spot my car and approach with an encouraging smile. People are frightened by upsets and avoid disasters, so it was unlikely.
Of course I feel very low sometimes.
I’ve joined the gaggle of single businessmen looking for a tempting evening meal for one in the local supermarket. Gradually I’ve stopped overbuying food that I just can’t consume – Danny always ate for at least two.
I’m now feeling so much better than I’ve done for years. A very long time ago I used to feel a tingling in my feet – it made me think that I was charged with some sort of super energy.
Last night when I was relaxing Min Pins on lap, my feet tingled.
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Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat… hope your holidays are happy and cozy and that the min pins are doing well this winter.
Lovely to see you back blogging Fiona! I have been checking over the months to see if you were back, and now you are! Look forward to more posts reflecting a new, positive life for you full of joy….
xxxx 🙂
Always good to see something from you. Hugs. xxx
Glad to see you back blogging and that you’re doing ok Fiona.
I am also glad to hear from you again!
Just clicked onto the blog after sometime but did not expect to find anything. So pleased to see you’d written something. Like everyone else I have really missed reading about you and have worried if you were OK in your silence. Please just put a little something up every now and again. We will all give you virtual hugs every time you do. Glad you are on the up and I shall now go about my day with a smile knowing you are still about. Jxxx
Hi Fiona, nice to hear from you, I missed you. You can’t imagine my surprise when I clicked on your blog and saw a picture of a chicken and not min pins
HooooooooRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY! Great to see/read you! Fiona we have all so missed your writings. I cant wait for more!
Beaming you massive hugs!
Love Sol x!
Wonderful to see a post from you. I never read your website for news of Danny, so I don’t miss him a bit! You were are are the reason people enjoy your blog. Don’t give over any more of your life to that relationship, get on with the new life. (Been there, that’s experience talking.) You’re a terrific writer. So write about what you’re doing now and next. Even if you don’t know yet. Even if you’re just finding out. I send you a hug from New Mexico, USA.
Glad to hear from you again. I’ve been checking your blog regularly hoping that everything was okay.