The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Mushroomy Chestnut mushrooms recipe

Chestnut mushroomsDanny loves mushrooms, particularly Chestnut ones. To make up for supper running really late last night I decided to give him a surprise treat. I warmed some butter, chopped up a pack of chestnut mushrooms and was just about to reach for the garlic when I thought I’d try something new and made the most mushroomy mushrooms that we had ever tasted.

It’s hard to believe that the two new ingredients that I chose (was I unhinged when I grabbed them from the fridge?) could transform five day old mushrooms into delicious, deep mellow flavoured mouthfuls. We could not specifically taste the new ingredients, they just blended quietly with the mushrooms and truly enhanced the mushroom flavour.

Supper was finally scoffed at 10.30pm. Danny was all smiles.

Mushroomy Chestnut mushrooms recipe


  • 1 standard pack of chestnut mushrooms
  • 50g of butter
  • 1 tsp of olive oil
  • 1 level tsp of finely chopped preserved lemons
  • 1 level tsp of traditional pesto
  • 1 tbsp of dry white wine (optional) you could use vegetable or chicken stock
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Heat the butter and the olive oil gently in a frying pan (the olive oil will stop the butter from burning).
  2. Wash and slice the mushrooms, including stalks.
  3. Toss them in the pan and turn them gently to cover with the butter. Add the pesto and the chopped preserved lemons. Cook over a very gentle heat for about 20 minutes stirring occasionally.
  4. Add the wine after ten minutes and a little more if they begin to get dry. The secret is to cook this dish very slowly to give the flavours time to develop. When the mushrooms are soft, season to taste and put in a warm place until you are ready to eat (mushrooms keep warm well).

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  1. carpii

    I made these last night, as a steak topping.
    They’re really delicious, and you’re right that you cant taste either the lemon or the pesto specifically.

    One question, I didnt really know what preserved lemons were? I assume you dont mean those candied lemons, but how do they differ from fresh lemon?

    In the end I just used 1 tsp of lemon juice and I think it turned out as pretty similar

    Thanks for the recipe!

  2. Toni-anne

    Thanks, makes more sense to me now – I do need detail you know! Because of my age dontchaknow!

  3. Fiona Nevile

    Hi Pat,

    I do hope that you enjoy them as much as we did!

    Hi Sara,

    We’re always happy to share our discoveries. It makes it much more fun.

    Hi Amanda,

    Good point. I hadn’t considered applying the discovery to other dishes, duuh. Thanks for the suggestion.

    Hi Fotoblog,

    Thanks for dropping by.

  4. Fotoblog

    wonderful !
    i am sure the flavors taste good

  5. Amanda

    Mmmm, looks good. I bet those flavours would be good in a risotto for a one pot meal.

  6. farmingfriends

    Hi Fiona. This sounds delicious and I will certainly be trying this recipe very soon. Thanks for sharing.
    Sara from farmingfriends

  7. Ohhhh Those mushrooms sound really yummy!!! Bet my Brian would love those too.

  8. Fiona Nevile

    Hi Kathy,

    I’d love to hear how these mushrooms turn out for you.

    I’ve just started picking my own (although the ones above came from a supermarket). I was given a really good book, Roger Phillips ‘Mushrooms and other fungi of Great Britain and Europe’. Richard Mabey’s books are pretty good too.

    Hi Toni Anne,

    Ooops, forgot to add the new ingredients in the method. They are added when you have turned the mushrooms in the butter. I’ve updated the recipe. Thanks for drawing my attention to this.

  9. Toni-anne

    Hi, I just wondered at what point you would add the preserved lemons and I’m assuming that the pesto would be stirred in at the end?


  10. This sounds wonderful! I’m often guilty of buying too many mushrooms then not using them all, so guess whats on the menu tonight! I always buy mushrooms as I’m not confident enough to pick them even through I often see them early in the mornings in the fields.
    As I’ve said before just love hearing about your life.
    Kind regards

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