The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Kohinoor: the best home cooked rice that I have ever tasted

kohinoor riceA few weeks ago I was padding around Tesco and decided to look at what was on offer rice wise. We always used to use Tilda. Then, feeling a bit tight, I started buying budget rice. This was fine until I cooked some one evening and it ruined the meal.

I found this 2 kilo plastic jar of rice with a natty handle for carrying the jar from the larder to the stove (it folds flat for storage). The label proudly states that Super Kohinoor is India’s premium Basmati rice. It’s fantastic. A doddle to make and the lightest fluffiest rice that I have ever tasted. It’s also a bit cheaper than Tilda. Incidentally, Tesco sells 10 kilo sacks of Tilda Rice (they are on the bottom shelf and easily missed).

The instructions on the Kohinoor label advises soaking the rice for 30 minutes before cooking. I have never remembered to give myself enough time to do this. I just rinse it for a minute or so and simmer it for 10-11 mins.

We ate it with Delia’s Devilled Pork Spare Ribs which are pretty good too. A crisp green salad elbowed its way into the limelight. But the real star was the Kohinoor rice.

The Min Pins enjoyed the pork bones.

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  1. Fiona Nevile

    Hi Viv

    I’m sorry but I’ve not seen it anywhere else.

  2. I also thought this rice was the best I’d ever bought, but lately it has disappeared from tescos, and I have only found it online, where the delivery costs as much as the rice! Any tips?

  3. Fiona Nevile

    Hi Ian,

    Thinking of you so much at the moment and hoping that everything is working well for you both. The rice is good and a kind rice. I have been distracted and not given it the care it deserves on several occasions and it always comes up grinning.

    We are fighting fit and hope you are too.

  4. Fiona Nevile

    Hi Ash

    It’s a good jar. Moth proof. Sometimes we have a problem with moths getting into our rice. I love the idea of the Lassi brand. Of course it is crying out for an E. I wonder if they’d sell more?

  5. Fiona Nevile

    Hi Abby

    This is a great tip for city dwellers. None of the local towns around here have Hala butchers or grocers. Your description made my mouth water… Loads of fresh air out here!

  6. We never buy rice from supermarkets these days – ever since we discovered the joys of living near a halal grocers! If you have one of these nearby, don’t underestimate its usefulness – sacks of gorgeous basmati rice, spices, fresh root ginger, eggs, fish – all at a fraction of what you’d pay in a so-called ‘super’market.

  7. Ian @ Yorkshire Deli

    Thanks for the tip! I’m always disappointed with supermarket rice so I’ll give this a go. I’m looking forward to having access to lots of new suppliers to try – not just for rice – once the cafe is going.
    Hope you’re both well.

  8. Lovely jar! Our rice here is sold under the brand name of Lassi. It always makes me want to add an ‘e’ and think of dogs!

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