The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

Lazy mini roast potatoes. A crisp, slow cooked roast potato recipe at low temperature.

mini roast potatoesI was introduced to the Penultimate Paramour’s elderly parents thirteen years ago on a classic “come down for the weekend” invitation. They were charming and we offered to cook supper. They had bought a chicken so roasting was the easy option.

We grinned. Roast chicken is easy. We could shine.

Looking back now, I appreciate that going to the pub before we started cooking the bird was a bad idea. Half an hour into the cooking process we realised that we had forgotten the roast potatoes.
“They are essential.” The PP was tight lipped.

My mind whirled. His parents could possibly be my new In-Laws.
“Why don’t we try cutting the potatoes into small chunks? They might work. Let’s call them mini roasts. Hopefully we’ll be eating some sort of crispy potatoes.”

They worked brilliantly and I’ve cooked them ever since. They are a hybrid. A cross between roast potatoes and chips. This evening we cooked my Gypsy style pot roast pheasant dish and they were a perfect accompaniment. Far better than game chips.

And the great discovery is that they don’t need a hot oven to crisp. We roasted these alongside our slow cooked pheasant. They baked at 160 (140 fan, gas mark 3) for an hour and then crisped for more colour at 180 (160 fan, gas mark 4) for 10 mins. Very crunchy all over with soft, linger over centres. Delicious.

Mini roast potatoes. A slow cook, low temperature recipe for crispy roast potatoes


  • 1 kilo of potatoes. Washed, peeled and quartered lengthways. Chop these qaurtered lengths into 1.5 cm widths. You will end up with a pile of chunky slices.
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil


  1. Put three tablespoons of olive oil into a deep bowl.
  2. Toss the prepared potatoes into the bowel in smallish batches. Make sure that they are coated all over in olive oil.
  3. Arrange them on a baking tray, not touching. Bake for an hour at 160 (140 fan, gas mark 3) and then if they look pale turn up the heat and bake for 10 mins at 180 (160 fan, gas mark 4) whilst you cook your other vegetables. Don’t be tempted to try and turn them. They don’t need this and you might break the surface and spoil them.

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  1. Veronica

    Matt: but you make the Yorkshires while the lamb is resting. So take the lamb out, whack up the temperature, put the YPs in. Result!

  2. matt booth

    a late comer I know but I thought I’d say thanks for a good article. The only fly in the ointment is trying to figure out how to make my yorkshires at 160…. that temp just wont cut it… c’est la vie!

  3. The reason i searched for slow roast was because i slow roast my Lamb Joint at 160º and like most people have only 1 oven. The good comment you made was not to try and turn as they will break and ruin. The last ten mins on grill or hot oven is also important!!!!


    Richard (Spain)

  4. Fiona Nevile

    Hi Teeny

    We cook on a conventional electric oven. I’d love an Aga or a Rayburn but can’t afford one just yet. Sob.

    These are slow cooked so I’d put them on the bottom shelf. Check them every 20 mins or so.

    Guess what, I’m cooking a new pot roast pheasant dish tonight myself. I’ll blog it if it turns out well.

    • Robert Watts

      We were given our ancient, solid fuel Rayburn. I have no idea where you live, but hunt around, they are heavy and often free to collector

  5. Hello there.

    Love your site! Just wondering, do you use an Aga or Rayburn to cook? I am cooking your pot roast pheasant in a Rayburn and my casserole dish is just about filling the oven, so I am wondering whether to put the mini roast potatoes on the very top shelf or the very bottom. Your advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.

  6. Fiona Nevile

    Good point Richard, I did use less potatoes than usual. I find the same with boulangère potatoes.

  7. Richard

    I’ve done this before and made a startling discovery – I did mine because when I went to the potato bag there weren’t enough for normal roast spuds. Strangely enough, by cutting them smaller, it looks like there are more on the plate so you can feed more mouths with fewer potatoes…

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