The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

1500 posts and still running strong


Ewes waiting to give birth at Wimpole Home Farm

Ewes waiting to give birth at Wimpole Home Farm

This is my 1500th post!

A bit of a milestone for me. When Danny installed the WordPress software on my web site and said,
“Over to you…”
I had no idea that I’d eventually find myself here.

Looking back I don’t really know what I thought I was doing. Initially it was an exercise to build up my writing skills. Being a painter and decorator at the time was fascinating, people wise, but the work was not even in the shanty towns of brain expanding territory. That’s after I’d discovered how to negotiate a high ladder and tentatively wield a shaky paintbrush. Scary stuff.

I had no idea that all your comments would teach and encourage me so much. That I’d make good friends all over the world. And be eventually tending a garden packed with fruit and vegetables. I’m still just the one nut here. We’re investing in Kentish Cobs this autumn to keep me company.

On the nut front, I’ve been off work for almost two years now. Difficult to adjust to when I’d been so full of energy and vroom for years. This blog has helped keep me reasonably sane. It’s been a focus for me and your visits and comments have helped me gradually repair and build up strength.

Thank you to every reader from all my heart. I reckon that blogging has saved my life and set me on a much better path. I feel truly blessed.

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  1. Minamoo

    Oh gosh has it been that many posts? I think I found your blog when I was searching for a recipe for preserved pears and your belgian pears recipe totally blew me away. I loved it so much in fact that I then sat there and read every single one of your previous blog posts! I know I haven’t been commenting much over the last few years but I do still read your blog and have learned ever so much. Your top tip however has got to have been the Spork. I bought mine at the BBC Gardeners World Live show in Birmingham at the NEC last year. I told the man how I had seen it reviewed on a blog and he said “You mean the cottage smallholder?” It seems I’m not the only one you’ve inspired to buy one! xx

  2. Belinda

    Congratulations Fiona, and Danny, of course.

    I have been having a bit of a CSH catch up this morning.. takes me back to my stay at home mother days when I would save up CSH all week to read with my cup of tea on a Sunday morning..

    I have missed it..

    Every visit here is an education & a delight.


  3. Suz in LA

    Congratulations Fiona – what an acheivement. I came across your blog whilst looking up info on Le Sauciers, so it appears you draw readers from a wide range of interests but we all enjoy your blog and have become faithful readers.

    The forum was/is also a great venture (although I don’t have the time to keep up with it anymore, maybe I’ll catch up while on holiday) and I think many, many people have made good friends and benefitted from all the advice and support (and certainly my waist line has grown with all the yummy dessert recipes 🙂 ).

    Oh and would you have expected a lass in Los Angeles to think of you whilst watching Martha Stewart (she featured a Min Pin) or of Danny whilst driving along old route 66 (radio played Hotel California)!


  4. Wow! 1500? Congratulations! I’m right with you on the keeping sane track. Blogging has helped me deal with my enforced downtime, which came in the guise of getting laid off from work. I’m still looking, but if I hadn’t had the contact with the outside world that blogging affords, I’m not even sure I’d still be married because I would have been pestering my husband to distraction.

    Good luck to you and better health for the next 1500!

  5. Little did you know Fiona that your little seed of an idea would grow into such a beautiful bountiful tree. Congratulations and a huge thank you.

  6. Toffeeapple

    Congratulations Fiona! What a lot you’ve written, I wonder how many words in total?

    What’s a Kentish Cob asks Steve h – it’s a type of nut Steve.

  7. steve h

    Congratulations F!- long may you continue!

    Whats a Kentish Cob? – some type of Horse,loaf,Swan?
    (tried to look but the link don`t work!);-)

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