13th Cottage Smallholder Blog Anniversary
Posted by Fiona Nevile in Cottage tales | 13 comments
I can’t believe that it has been 13 years since I made the first post on this blog. So much has happened in the world since then!
I can remember that day so clearly. It was one of those chilly, rainy August days. The backdoor was firmly closed and Danny made a spicy smoked fish chowder. Of course the star of the post was not the soup but The Contessa – the little Min Pin Prima Donna who is still sadly missed. Quite often at the Vets we would be called to the consulting room with the one word
As I nodded and got up, people would examine me carefully. In my paint splattered decorating clothes I was clearly an eccentric Contessa down on her luck but with a very cute dog.
When I started this blog most of my friends asked why on earth was I writing about saving money, living well on a budget and living more sustainably.
“Who would want to read about that?”
Well me! I was really interested. Of course those ideas were not fashionable at that time.
As you know, Danny and I took different roads about six years ago. We are lucky as we are still friends, talk several times a week and are both are involved in the future of the Cottage Smallholder site. Danny set up the forum originally and he still regularly answers questions and maintains the techie side of the website. Visitor numbers are still high and this means that someone with Danny’s computing skills is essential.
Back in 2006, I had no idea that I would learn so much from the contributors and how much my life would be enhanced by the blog. I have made friendships, been introduced to exciting ideas and always encouraged to keep on writing.
Now it is clear the blog and forum have a life of their own. The combination is a wonderful resource that we have all created together and it is still drawing people together from across the world.
I plan to continue regularly with the blog – not everyday as before but at least twice a week, sometimes more. I’ve missed so much it but I needed time alone to reflect, repair and grow. Much more time than I ever could have imagined. Thank you for your patience.
And I ‘m now loving splashing about in the water again!
Thank you so much everyone for joining me, reading, commenting and contributing to this journey. Together we all have made the Cottage Smallholder site sing!
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Lovely to see that you are Back Fiona. I to took a break whilst I worked in my life. I’ve become a photographic and catwalk model since then.
Hello again, Fiona,
So good to see you back in the driving seat. We certainly have missed you, and look forward to hearing from you again.
Very best wishes,
Brightspark xx 🙂
Val Brightspark, Delighted that you dropped back. Was only thinking about you the other day vis a vie sunhats. Now a key part of my armory 🙂
Like others have said, I occasionally pop back to this site to see if you’re back. You inspired me to forage and make jams/gins and then make a couple of raised beds, and next year I hope to get my first chickens, so I’m so pleased to see you’re back and enjoying it again!
Thanks Hannah, Good to see you back here too!
Wow! You are back!
I used to check the blog once in a while (without much hope) to see if you were active again. Came along today, and was elated to see that you are back! 🙂
Thank you for coming back! Please keep posting!
Thank you!
This goes for me too!
I’m loving seeing the new posts. Have got many good friends, fab advice, info and recipes galore and many happy hours reading from CSH. Thank you!! And Danny. Glad you’re back at your own pace. Keep it up xxx
Hi Ruth, Thank you so much! I’m delighted to be back for good 😉
Happy bloggyversary Fiona! It’s so lovely to be able to pop in here and see new posts. Great that the community kept going in your absence — I’ll have to get onto the forum again.
Thank you TA! The chickens are always wonderful, distracting and their pecking order would make any PC human blanche. But I love them and there are ways of protecting the picked on chickens. Still miss Baby! And often think about him https://www.cottagesmallholder.com/scaly-leg-mites-in-chickens-6191/
It is good to see you here again, it has been a long time but I think you have made good use of that time.
Smashing to see the hens, I have missed them too.