The Cottage Smallholder

stumbling self sufficiency in a small space

The Cottage Smallholder’s Reader’s little book of Recycling tips and Pest defence tricks for the garden. Compiled beautifully by Ruthdigs


Photo: Reader's Gardening tips compiled by Ruthdigs

Photo: Reader's Gardening tips compiled by Ruthdigs

The February CS gardening competition was a great success and the entries provided an amazing amount of practical tips. Unlike forum comments these can be hard to find through a search engine. So Ruthdigs has compiled them all in a booklet that is beautifully laid out and the file can be printed on your own printer at home.

She has mentioned this book briefly on the forum and in the comments section of the results post of the competition. Just in case you missed it we have uploaded the file to our server so you can download the PDF file direct from here.

I really appreciate all the work that has gone into producing this book. It even has a wonderful page with great gardening quotes. Well done Ruthdigs for winning the competition and thank you for creating this great book. The perfect budget present for gardeners everywhere – all you pay for is your paper and card cover.

This little book got me thinking. Surely I could produce the preserves book myself using our printer at home. OK it wouldn’t be as swanky as one printed by a professional printer but it would be far less expensive to produce and so could be much cheaper to buy.  Danny is working out the printer ink and paper costs as my fingers fly across the keyboard.

Ruthdig’s book is a true inspiration. You can download the original Word version free of charge here!

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  1. Polly

    Thanks – I’ll let you know how it goes!
    Just what I need after a backbreaking planting day – I’m hoping the broccoli romanesco will taste as good as when I first discovered it last autumn. What a find …

  2. Polly

    Ooh, It’s fun to see one’s name in virtual print, isn’t it?!

    I’d really like to print off some copies of this and sell it at our village bring-and-buy plant sale later this month (all money goes to village good causes) – would you or Ruthdigs mind?

    Thanks for pulling together some gems. I really appreciate it.


    • Fiona Nevile

      Oh please do this! I’m sure the Ruthdigs wouldn’t mind.

      Sharing information is so important in these troubled times.

  3. A preserve book would be wonderful – I’ve got about 10 printed out recipes from the site floating around the kitchen being temporarily mislaid in other cook books. And looking forward, perhaps one on slow cooker dinners, one on home made fruity liquers.. (move over the River Cottage!)

    And also just want to say that we tried your oven chip recipe the other night and have also vowed no more bought frozen chips ever again. My favorite sort of recipe – dead easy and much tastier than the bought sort.

    Hope you’re feeling better as the days are getting longer.

  4. Fiona Nevile

    Hi Rae Mond

    It’s a great book isn’t it.

    Hi Alg

    Great idea. And the book could be updated as new recipes are developed.

    Hi Jenny

    Yes me too. Getting a bit fed up with all the snow now.

    Hi Lucy

    I will be doing this but not sure when.

    Hi Kitty

    Thanks for the tip. I’m going to look into it.

    Hello Danast

    I really like the size of the book.

    Hi Ruthdigs

    Thanks again for compiling this book.

    Hi Lou

    Great that you like the book.

    Hi Steelkitten

    Thanks for the encouragement.

    Hi Bobquail

    It’s packed with really good thrifty tips.

    Hi Jane

    I agree with you. I have learnt so much over the past three years.

    Hi Sarah

    That’s a very interesting site. They seem to ship to most places in the world. Thank you.

    Hello Cookie Girl

    Thanks for dropping by!

  5. Cookie Girl

    Love it, love it, love it !

    And along with all the rest … bring on the preserves !

  6. Sarah Smith

    I would love a book of your preserve recipes…I have a well-used unorganized folder of them in my kitchen.

    Consider using a on-line printing service like (not sure if Blurb is available in the UK) I’m compiling a book of family recipes and plan to publish it with Blurb; I can purchase books for special people, and then have the not quite as special people pay for their own:) You can also add a mark up to the book price to cover your other expenses.

  7. This is why I love this blog so much as everyone chips in and shares their knowledge and skills. Ruthdig – great reference guide, thanks. Fiona – preserves book is a great idea 🙂

  8. What a great collection of tips. Now I’ve started planting a few veg seeds, I’ll have to read through to see what I can use.

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